I had a déjà vu experience in Ramallah last Monday. It was like old intifada times.
This Ramadan, on August 26, a crowd of unemployed university graduates broke their fast outside the prime ministerial residence.
Why did the call of Mr. Cemil Çiçek, the speaker of Parliament, for national reconciliation fall on deaf ears?
That is an ongoing discussion between South Africa and Israel.
The growing tension between Baghdad and Ankara is not good. History shows that political instability...
Recently I have been thinking of the fate of two cities: Aleppo and Gaziantep.
Turkey’s biggest growth challenge is increasing women’s participation in the labor force. The total number ...
The size of the labor force is roughly the same in Turkey and South Korea: 25 million.
Egypt and Sudan are neighbors. The Arab Spring has toppled Egypt’s political status quo of three decades. President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan ...