Under a mandate that runs from July 2012 to June 2013, Turkey will hold the next chairmanship...
E-shopping is one of the hottest topics of the Internet era. It has not put an end to the bricks...
Mobile technologies and mobile connectivity are catching up with more traditional internet connections and applications very fast.
Lately we have begun to hear lots of remarks on network neutrality by government officials.
Turkey’s digital market is soaring. Actually the whole of the Eurasian digital market is on the rise.
Last week I wrote about how the government wants to take control over social media and how unnecessary it is.
We as Turks have always been proud of our tight family relations. It is one of the fundamental...
On February I asked whether or not Istanbul is a smart city. Recent events gave the answer without any doubts.
There is a gold rush for clean energy technologies all over the world except in the Middle East...