Bitcoin is a mystery to many of us. We all heard about it but we don’t know exactly what it is and how it can be used.
The political climate is very tense in Turkey. You can find the latest news on the situation in other sections of HDN.
Security has always been a major concern for humanity. After 9/11 we began to talk about it a lot more. Nowadays each and every one of us feels the need to be protected both in the real world and the digital one
Yesterday was one of the most anticipated days of the Turkish communication industry. The sheer excitement about the tender of new mobile frequencies was not much different than a techno-political thriller
The MIT Technology Review announced the 35-under-35 list for 2015. There are three Turkish people in the list. They are all women and currently they are all working abroad.
Every politician likes to say that Turkey has great potential for everything due to its young population.
The world is going through an amazing transformation. At the end of this transformation something very beautiful will emerge
Recently in Turkey electronic means of marketing have been regulated harshly. However, the demand for sending texts by companies is not broken.
After I wrote about entrepreneurship recently, I had the opportunity to be able to speak to Ayşe İnal about the topic