In the last couple of years, thanks to machine-to-machine information technologies, we have begun to hear about very interesting new phenomena.
We, as Turkish people, are very proud of our hazelnuts. We are the biggest producers and we believe we produce the best quality. At least that’s what I thought up until yesterday.
For the last 36 hours I am living through a great dilemma. It is absolutely a first world problem but it is also an essential one, for the future of our culture.
If you are a foreigner in Turkey and used Twitter in the last couple of days, you were probably puzzled over the frenzy of the hashtag “organikhosaf.” Let me try to explain it.
It is said that to be a CEO you need to have a different mindset. Some psychologists even say you need to have a lower empathy ability than the rest to be a CEO because you need to be able to fire someone without blinking an eye if you know that it is good for the company, even though you know it would destroy a family.
According to Richard Florida, there are three T’s for any nation to prosper in our time.
Lately, I have written that it would be better if the Istanbul Municipality did not enter competition with private entrepreneurs
My office is at Kolektif House Levent and because of that I have the opportunity to speak with many involved in startups
I have been writing “technology is politics” for years but only now are political columnists jumping on the bandwagon