Number of bald ibises continues to increase

The endangered generations of northern bald ibises are protected by serious measures as a result of the works carried out by the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks.
The works started in 1977 with two adults and nine young birds gave results and today the number of bald ibis is 244 in Birecik district of in the southeastern province of Şanlıurfa.
The colony of the northern bald ibis lives only in Birecik district of Şanlıurfa province, on the Euphrates in the southeastern part of Turkey.
Species Conservation Action Plan was prepared in 2019 for the continuity of the northern bald ibis generation.
The measures to be taken for the continuity of the species were determined, withing the scope of the action plan.
Studies on conservation and monitoring of the species will continue intensively for the next five years, within the plan.
Bald Ibis Production Station is included in the tour route of many tourism companies bringing tourists to the region.
The ministry announced that the number of domestic and foreign tourists visiting the station has reached 100,000.
Northern bald ibis is known as Kelaynak in Turkey and these species are almost being extinct in the world.
The monogamous bald ibis pairs for life, and each year returns to Birecik after its annual migration around Valentine's Day.