New project to curb pirate publishing

New project to curb pirate publishing

ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency
The Police Department has started a new project to curb the unauthorized publishing of intellectual property, with the support of Turkey’s Professional Organization of Authors of Intellectual and Artistic Works (İLESAM), a body of the Tourism and Culture Ministry.

The project will assign a group of special detectives to investigate intellectual property theft cases, including unauthorized use of literary and musical works, and report abuse.

Cases of book pirating, when books are published without the permission of the author or copyright owner, are investigated and forwarded to prosecutors, said Association of Special Detectives President İsmail Yetimoğlu, speaking to Anatolia News Agency. İLESAM has developed a new project to help make the process faster. The Association of Special Detectives and İLESAM are currently cooperating to handle cases of pirating, and a new cooperation agreement will be signed soon, Yetimoğlu said. “İLESAM will inform us of violations and we will do the necessary investigation and initiate the process of legal sanctions.”

The special detectives will research who publishes books and CDs by Turkish artists, Yetimoğlu said. “This is known as branding a counterfeit product in the market, and we will trace these cases and discover who is doing it.”
