Murdoch eyes Çalık assets, WSJ reports
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

“News Corp. is considering a bid for Sabah-ATV, according to people familiar with the matter, adding a new competitor to a small handful of big western private-equity and media companies in the running to possibly buy Turkey’s No. 2 media group,” a report on WSJ’s website Jan. 20 said.
Sabah-ATV owns the Sabah newspaper and the mainstream broadcaster ATV. News Corp. also controls Wall Street Journal. TPG Capital, KKR & Co LP, Time Warner and RTL are in talks to buy Çalık assets, according to earlier media reports. News Corp. demanded Goldman Sachs, which is authorized for the acquisition process, to delay a deadline for the pre-proposal period to next week, the WSJ said.
The deadline for collecting offers was delayed to Jan. 24 from Jan. 18, Bloomberg News reported last week, depending on a source close to the matter. The WSJ estimated the value of the Turkish company somewhere between $700 million and $1 billion