Mosaic House being unearthed in Pergamon

A Roman-era building complex, called the "Mosaic House," is being unearthed in the ancient city of Pergamon, which showcases Anatolia's rich history with traces from prehistoric, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Beyliks and Ottoman periods.
Excavation and restoration works in the Bergama Multilayered Cultural Landscape Area, which is on UNESCO's World Heritage List in İzmir, have been continuing throughout the year.
The project's coordinator and head of the excavations, Professor Yusuf Sezgin, head of the Archaeology Department at Manisa Celal Bayar University, stated that the excavations within the project started last September.
Sezgin explained that large-scale archaeological excavations in Türkiye are being carried out with major investments through the Culture and Tourism Ministry’s "Heritage to the Future" project, marking a new era for Turkish archaeology.
He stated that they are working on several points in Pergamon and that a large building complex called the "Mosaic House" was discovered during the excavations near the Red Basilica.
Sezgin noted that such structures were used by important individuals in ancient times and said, "The Mosaic House, known in ancient times as a 'peristyle house,' forms a large residential complex with its central stone courtyard and pool."
Stating that one of the important features of the complex is its mosaic-adorned rooms, Sezgin added: "One of the most striking features of the Mosaic House is its mosaic floors. This indicates that it was an important structure. We estimate that the building was constructed in the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D. It must have continued to be used during the Christian era because the nearby Red Basilica, known as the Temple of the Egyptian Gods, was converted into a church, indicating the presence of a Christian community in the area. We believe that it was abandoned during the Arab raids of the seventh century due to a great fire. The roof tiles and burnt vessels suggest that the destruction was caused by a fire. Mosaics were found at four different locations in the building. These mosaics, dated to the third and fourth centuries, stand out with their geometric and botanical motifs and use of various colors."
Royal Seal from antiquity
Sezgin stated that Pergamon was the capital of a kingdom during the Hellenistic period and that a roof tile fragment bearing a royal seal, which was used in royal buildings, was found during the excavation of the Mosaic House.
Noting that the Hellenistic-period tile fragment was also used in the Roman-era structure, Sezgin said, "We found a tile fragment with the inscription 'Basilike.' In Greek, 'basilike' means 'belonging to the king.' It is known that such seals were used in buildings specifically constructed for the royal family in the Pergamon Acropolis. If this inscription is found in a building, it means that it belonged to the king. We had previously found similar examples in fragments, but for the first time, a complete sealed tile has been unearthed."
Sezgin also mentioned that they noticed a tombstone was used in the pool of the Mosaic House’s courtyard.
Explaining that they believe the stone was removed from a tomb and repurposed in the pool, Sezgin said, "The tombstone features an inscription that reads 'the sweetest child in the world.' The depiction shows a child with his dog on a rabbit hunt. It is understood that the stone was commissioned by the child's mother. This tombstone is significant both for its emotional aspect and for providing insights into the social life of that period."
Sezgin stated that so far, 20 percent of the complex structure has been unearthed and that after its destruction, it remained abandoned for a long time. He also mentioned that a Byzantine-era cemetery was identified in the area.
Sezgin noted that these were the graves of the last Byzantine residents of Pergamon before the arrival of the Turks and stated that in some graves, multiple burials were found, indicating that living conditions at the time were not very good.
He noted that many artifacts from daily life, such as kitchen utensils, weapons, jewelry and coins from the Roman and Byzantine periods, have been unearthed during the excavations and that suitable artifacts will be exhibited at the Bergama Museum.
“The restoration work is being carried out at the Temple of Dionysus, while lighting projects are being implemented in Asklepion and the Acropolis for night-time museum experiences,” he added.