Miss Globe denied Turkish citizenship
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet

Hürriyet photo
Almeda Abazi, Miss Globe 2008, has been denied citizenship by Turkish authorities, Hürriyet reported.Abazi, an Albanian, had recently participated in a celebrity dance contest which brought her fame in Turkey. She had moved to Turkey following her Miss Globe crown, and has been living in the country ever since.
Abazi applied to the Sakarya Governor’s Office six months ago for citizenship as an "exception” on account of her contribution to the cultural and tourism activities of Sakarya, where she had been studying for some time.
The governor's office, however, declined Abazi's request, saying they had passed her application to the Culture and Tourism Ministry, which had responded negatively.
"The applications for exceptional citizenships have to be submitted to the Interior Ministry," Deputy Gov. Faruk Bekarlar said in an official statement. "The Culture and Tourism Ministry found it inappropriate for you to apply to the Interior Ministry on this matter."