Millions enter university exams

Millions enter university exams

Hurriyet Daily News with wires
President of the Student Selection and Placement Center, or ÖSYM, Ünal Yarımağan, called on students to consider their interests and talents when making university and department selections instead of solely focusing on the points they will get from the ÖSS.

More than 4,602 school buildings were used and 207,857 educational staff were employed for realization of the ÖSS. Different booklets were printed in order to intercept cheating by students.

Tight security measures were taken by the police around schools during the 195 minute-exam. Students without official identification documents that include photographs of students were not allowed to take the ÖSS. Female students wearing headscarves were warned by officials to take them off before entering classrooms.

In Bursa, 28 physically handicapped students, including eight who were visually impaired, took the exam in the same school where advisors assisted them in separate classrooms.

This year's ÖSS was made up of eight different tests, each including 30 questions. For students applying to programs with no graduate level, the first four tests were sufficient, namely Turkish, Social Studies-1 (Sos-1), Mathematics-1 (Mat-1) and Science-1 (Fen-1).

For students applying to programs that do have graduate levels, the first four tests and an additional two tests were required for their specific field. The "area tests" were titled as Literature-Social Studies (Ed-Sos), Social Studies-2 (Sos-2), Mathematics-2 (Mat-2) and Science-2 (Fen-2).

The results of the ÖSS, which will also be available online, are expected to be announced mid-July. In order to be accepted for a two-year degree or by open universities, students must score a minimum of 145 points, while those who wish for enrollment at undergraduate faculties must score a minimum of 165 points.