MHP leader pitches to ‘youth’ for Nov 1 vote

MHP leader pitches to ‘youth’ for Nov 1 vote

MHP leader pitches to ‘youth’ for Nov 1 vote

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Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli has directly appealed to Turkey’s “youth,” saying their choices in Nov. 1 snap election will be decisive for the future direction of the country.

“They mocked the youth. They used force, threatened, underestimated, and tried to tyrannize the youth,” Bahçeli said in messages posted to his Twitter account late on Oct. 29, apparently referring to the rule of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).

“Dear youngsters, you should claim your own future so that Turkey, which has gradually lost its vital functions, can recover,” he added.

“You should save the country where you will take over responsibilities. The future is you and you are the future. I know that the Turkish youth will decide the fate of the Nov. 1 election and I wait expectantly for this,” the MHP head stated.

Bahçeli also made an unveiled reference to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, slamming Erdoğan’s huge and still controversial new presidential palace in Ankara.

“The Turkish youth is greater than the palace, stronger than despotic characters and more fearless than those who try to destroy the future,” he tweeted.