Meteorite-like object found on field up for sale

Meteorite-like object found on field up for sale

Meteorite-like object found on field up for sale

A Turkish farmer who found a meteorite-like stone last year on his field in the southwestern province of Denizli now wants to sell the object to potential buyers.

Haberin Devamı

Ali Urhan, a resident of the province’s Çivril district, found pieces of stone that are not unique to the region and attracted attention with their dark-colored structure while irrigating his field last summer.

Urhan took the objects he could not identify to the Ankara University Geosciences Research and Application Center (YEBİM) for a detailed examination, believing that it could have been coming somewhere out of the world.

During the examination of the stone samples made by Professor Yusuf Kaan Kadıoğlu and his team at the center, it was determined that the object contained 49 different elements and that it could be a meteorite.

“The texture, mineral composition and chemical properties of the object show that it may be a meteorite,” the report said.

Learning that a gram of meteoroid found buyers in the market for around $60, the farmer has now put the object up for sale, saying he felt as if he had won the lottery.

Urhan is now considering keeping the object in a bank vault to ensure its safety until he sells it.
