Locals, tradesmen call for return of bird sanctuary in Adana

Locals, tradesmen call for return of bird sanctuary in Adana

Locals, tradesmen call for return of bird sanctuary in Adana

Locals and tradespeople are fervently demanding the reopening of a bird sanctuary in the southern province of Adana’s Çukurova Delta, a crucial haven for migratory birds traveling from Northern Europe to Africa, which has remained shuttered since 2020 due to bird flu.

Opened to the public in the Çukurova Delta in 2015, Çobandede Bird Paradise and Mini Zoo was established to treat and rehabilitate injured animals and promote wildlife conservation.

Many injured birds, stray cats and dogs were treated at the center at that time, and it soon became a popular destination for scores of people both from the province and surrounding regions.

The center, which also offered educational programs to students about the preservation of biodiversity, especially saw a large number of people over the weekend as citizens came to enjoy picnics and view the animals.

Once a treatment and rehabilitation center for numerous animals and a popular spot for visitors, the sanctuary was affiliated with an animal health association's branch directorate after its closure in 2020. Last year, the municipality established a sterilization center in the area.

As the once-vibrant bird-chirping region grew empty and nearly silent, local tradesmen and residents expressed their desire to have the center that served as a mini zoo and bird sanctuary back to the local media.

Yasin Köse, a local who witnessed the center during its five years of operation, stressed that it hosted many visitors at the time, conveying a strong yearning for that period.

"I don't think it makes sense for the center to operate as a sterilizing and butchering facility. We want the place to turn to its original state,” Köse said, recalling that the center was originally a place for treating injured animals and promoting wildlife.

Metin Göksu, running a cafe in the region for 10 years, echoed Köse’s hope for the bird sanctuary to be reopened in the area.

“Having the bird sanctuary back would be wonderful, of course. In my opinion, our mayor ought to lay stress on this matter. The place serves as a reflection of him [the mayor]. As a tradesman, I anticipate that this issue will be addressed," Göksu said.

adana , Türkiye,