Let’s build a terror-free Türkiye, Erdoğan calls on political parties

Let’s build a terror-free Türkiye, Erdoğan calls on political parties

Let’s build a terror-free Türkiye, Erdoğan calls on political parties

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on all political parties to exert efforts to build a terror-free and violence-free Türkiye especially at a moment when the region is passing through a very dangerous escalation.

“We hope that the historic window of opportunity opened by the People’s Alliance will not be sacrificed for personal gains,” Erdoğan said at a party meeting on Oct. 22 in Ankara. Erdoğan referred to calls by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its main ally Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) for ending decades-old terror problem in the country.

“We expect everyone to understand that there is no place for terrorism and its dark shadow in Türkiye’s future,” he stated. “Let’s altogether build a terror-free and violence-free Türkiye.”

Türkiye is fighting against PKK, a terror organization, especially in southeastern Anatolia since 1980s. More than 40,000 civilians have been killed at the hands of PKK. The struggle against the group continues mainly in northern Iraq and northern Syria.

Erdoğan recalled that the region is passing through a dangerous period due to continued massacres of Israel in Gaza and Lebanon which requires solidarity and unity of the 85 million Turks.

“We are in efforts to reinforce our domestic front as the fire started by Israel in Gaza and now spread to Lebanon approaches our borders day by day,” the president suggested.

Reiterating his call for the unity of the entire country without any discrimination so that Türkiye can stand resilient against any challenges, Erdoğan said, “Let’s open a new and clean page in politics. This is the expectation of our people.”

“This dangerous trend in our region requires responsible and serious politicians. Let’s not get involved in unessential discussions that bring no benefit to our country,” he stated.

 Erdoğan speaks on FETÖ leader’s death

In his address, Erdoğan did also mention the death of terrorist leader Fethullah Gülen in the United States on Oct. 21.

Describing FETÖ leader’s passing away as “dishonorable death,” Erdoğan expressed his belief that he will pay the price of all what he did against Türkiye in the afterlife.

Gülen was responsible for the 2016 coup attempt that left 251 people dead and thousands injured. He was living in the U.S. since 1999.

“Our struggle will continue until FETÖ is totally eliminated,” Erdoğan said.