Kilyos shores emerge as premier spot for kitesurfers

Kilyos shores emerge as premier spot for kitesurfers

Kilyos shores emerge as premier spot for kitesurfers

The northern coast of Istanbul, particularly the shores of Kilyos, has become a haven for kitesurfers amidst the current warm and breezy weather of the Black Sea.

The acrobatic maneuvers of the surfers who orchestrate the wind at Kilyos Beach create a palpable sense of excitement among other beachgoers.

Surfers, reveling in the gusts as they somersault over the waves, rise about 20 meters above the sea, reaching unprecedented heights of adrenaline.

"The summer winds have commenced. The north wind blows in the afternoon. We endeavor to savor it as much as possible. We come here three or four days a week as long as there is wind," surfer Uğur İyigün said.

Highlighting the liberating sensation of kiteboarding, İyigün noted that Kilyos caters to both professional and amateur surfers alike.

"The predominant feeling it evokes is freedom, for there are no boundaries in the water. We can leap as high as we desire, even exceeding 20 meters. It is akin to a meditative experience harnessing nature's energy. It becomes incredibly addictive for anyone who tries it."

Emphasizing the suitability of Turkish seas for surfing due to their favorable wave heights, İyigün pointed out that the country’s western and northern shores are particularly conducive to this sport.

Surfing lessons are also offered on some of Istanbul's most frequented beaches, with these sessions, conducted by expert instructors, welcoming enthusiasts of all ages.

"I have been training athletes in kitesurfing for eight years. Individuals of all ages can partake in this training, there are no age restrictions. Safety is paramount during the training, and Kilyos is excellent in this regard. One can receive instruction and commence this sport safely here," instructor Kadir Uladı stated.

In Kilyos, approximately 150-2,000 students receive training annually, with practice sessions typically commencing in mid-May and concluding in October.

Students, who complete their primary training within nine hours, continue to hone their skills in the water for months, Uladı said. He also remarked on the burgeoning interest in kitesurfing in Türkiye.

The island of Gökçeada in the Aegean Sea, renowned for its magnificent beaches, historical richness and natural beauty, has also emerged as a paradise for wind and kitesurfing enthusiasts, ranking among the prime locations in Europe.