Istanbul's historical waterfront mosque to be open to worship in 2022

Istanbul's historical waterfront mosque to be open to worship in 2022

Istanbuls historical waterfront mosque to be open to worship in 2022

The Vaniköy Mosque, which is a 350-year-old waterfront mosque on Bosphorus that caught fire on Nov. 15, will be open to worship after a 700-day-long restoration, the governor of Istanbul said on Nov. 17.

“In 10 days, the first examinations will be finished, and we estimate that in two years, the restoration project will complete,” Ali Yerlikaya said.

Making a call to the residents of Istanbul, Yerlikaya noted, “Rest assured, the Vaniköy Mosque will be rebuilt as a true copy of its original.”

According to the official records, the Vaniköy Mosque was burnt down by a fire that sparked due to the weak electricity system.

“The mosque was going to be restored if it was not burnt. The renewal project of the mosque was sent to the officials on Nov. 2. Unfortunately, the fire broke out,” the governor added.

The Vaniköy Mosque, located in the Üsküdar district of Istanbul, was built in 1670 by Vani Mehmet Efendi and was named after its constructor. With only one minaret and a minaret balcony, the rectangular mosque was made largely from wood.

Haberin Devamı