Iran behind diplomat car bombings: Netanyahu

Indian security and forensic officials examine a car belonging to the Israel Embassy after an explosion. AP photo
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran of being behind car bombings against Israeli diplomats in India and Georgia today, the Associated Press reported.An explosion tore through an Israeli diplomat's car on the streets of New Delhi, Israeli officials said. The driver and a diplomat's wife were injured, according to Indian officials.
The explosion took place in the late afternoon close to the embassy, said embassy spokesman David Goldfarb.
Television footage showed a charred minivan with blue diplomatic plates, its rear door apparently blown out.
Indian foreign ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin said two people were wounded, the driver and the wife of an Israeli diplomat. "They are in the hospital and being tended to," he said.
Israel's Foreign Ministry said an attempted car bombing in Georgia was thrwarted. The bomb in Tbilisi was discovered before it went off.
'We know who is responsible': Lieberman
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said, "We know exactly whose responsible for the attack and who planned it and we're not going to take it lying down," Haaretz reported on its website.
Lieberman reportedly said today's attacks reminded "how Israeli diplomats stand at the forefront of the fight which Israel is leading around the world."
Today's incidents came a day following the fourth anniversary of the assasination of slain Hezbollah's deputy leader Imad Mughniyah.