Investigation initiated over handcuffs at Boğaziçi University gate

Investigation initiated over handcuffs at Boğaziçi University gate

Investigation initiated over handcuffs at Boğaziçi University gate

An investigation was initiated into police handcuffing shut the gates of the country’s top university during a protest of students demonstrating their rejection of the appointment of a new rector.

The handcuffs, claimed to belong to the security guards of Boğaziçi University, were hanged on the door by a police officer, daily Hürriyet reported citing police sources.

The police officer hanged the handcuffs to the gates without any instructions from his superiors, and a comprehensive investigation of the incident was continuing, according to the report.

Melih Bulu, who stood as a ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) parliamentary candidate in 2015, was appointed rector of Boğaziçi University in a presidential decree issued on Jan. 1.

Hundreds of students at Istanbul’s Boğaziçi University took to the streets on Jan. 4 and Jan. 6 to march against the appointment of Bulu via a presidential decree.

They protested the appointment with banners reading “Kayyum Rektör İstemiyoruz” (We don’t want a trustee rector) following the announcement.

In separate interviews he gave, Bulu said he expected such reactions and understood the protesting students’ sentiments.

Following the demonstrations, special operations teams raided some houses and detained 40 protestors.

Some 24 of the 40 detainees were referred to court on charges of “resisting the police” and “violating the law on meetings and demonstrations.”

The interrogations of 16 people are still ongoing.

Haberin Devamı