Internet usage in Türkiye reaches 89 pct: Survey

Türkiye’s internet usage continues to climb, with 88.8 percent of individuals aged 16-74 now using the internet, according to the latest data released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK).
This represents a steady increase from 87.1 percent in 2023.
TÜİK’s Household Informational Technology Usage Survey examined the internet usage habits, e-commerce activities and technology preferences in Türkiye.
The survey also highlighted gender disparities in internet access, with 92.2 percent of men using the internet compared to 85.4 percent of women. This gap extends to the use of e-government services, where 80.7 percent of men reported accessing online public services, against 66.7 percent of women.
Online shopping is also on the rise, with 51.7 percent of internet users purchasing goods or services online in 2024, up from 49.5 percent the previous year. Clothing, footwear and accessories were the most popular items, bought by 76.7 percent of e-commerce users.
Men were more likely to order restaurant deliveries, while women led in buying cosmetics and health products.
Interestingly, the proportion of individuals engaging in online educational activities dropped to 13.9 percent in 2024, a decrease of almost 5 percent from 2023. This slight decline was consistent across genders.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp remains the dominant messaging platform, used by 86.2 percent of internet users, followed by YouTube and Instagram. Additionally, nearly half of internet users (47.9 percent) are now accessing the internet through connected TVs, reflecting the growing integration of smart technology into Turkish households.
When it comes to buying devices and computers, Turkish consumers were found to be highly price-conscious. An overwhelming 89.2 percent of respondents cited price as the most important factor, followed by hardware features and brand reputation.