İmera Monastery standing strong for over half-a-century

The 668-year-old İmera Monastery in the Black Sea province of Gümüşhane is set to undergo restoration.
Located in the village of Olucak in Gümüşhane, the gothic-style Christian-Orthodox monastery has striking features including its eastern entrance and its unique lighting techniques. It is one of the most important religious structures in the eastern Black Sea region and a restoration process will be kicked off in the coming days.
Gümüşhane Mayor Okay Memiş recently visited the monastery, which was built in 1350 and is still standing strong thanks to restoration works carried out at various times.
Memiş said the İmera Monastery was one of the most important and safeguarded monasteries in the region in terms of architecture and technique.
“The cost of the restoration project is nearly 1 million Turkish Liras. Considering the serious needs of this monastery, we will start the project soon,” he added.
Locals have responsibility for the protection of such historical artifacts, just as much as the state, Memiş also said.
“These are the heritage of humanity. We do not abandon these structures to their fate just because they are part of Christian culture. We respect all cultures and faiths. The Ottoman region and the modern Republic of Turkey preserve the same values, so we will do our best for the protection of these places for the sake of tourism,” he added.