Hürriyet Daily News website gets fresh new look

The website of the Hürriyet Daily News, Turkey’s leading English daily, has switched to a fresh new look, aiming to provide its readers with a more pleasing reading experience.
The new website makes it easier to access news of all categories and allows for a higher standard of visual materials.
“The Hürriyet Daily News has been a leading news source for Turkey and the region since 1961 with reliable and objective reporting and a rich set of opinions and analysis on political, economic and social developments across a wide spectrum,” said editor-in-chief Murat Yetkin.
“I believe our updated website will provide a more user-friendly experience for our loyal readers and also enable us to find new friends,” he said.
The Hürriyet Daily News sees it as its mission to tell Turkey’s “story” with an authentic voice and is excited to continue this mission with its new website, Yetkin added.
Both the world and Turkey have changed greatly in the decades since the Hürriyet Daily News first started printing, but the daily’s principles have remained steadfast.
An aim to nurture Turkish democracy, a broad commitment to human rights, support for freedom of expression, and a renewed drive to confront societal violence generally and violence against women in particular, are at the heart of the Hürriyet Daily News.