Horror play a first on State Theater stage

Horror play a first on State Theater stage

Horror play a first on State Theater stage

For the first time, the Turkish State Theaters (DT) performs a horror play on stage.

Haberin Devamı

“The Woman in Black,” a 1987 stage play based on the book of the same name, which was published in 1983 by English author Susan Hill, is now being staged by the Ankara State Theater in Ankara’s Akün Stage.

The play, which starts in an extraordinary way, gives the audience a different experience with its sound and light effects as well as the decor and tension elements.

At the heart of the story is the suffering of a woman, who has to give up her child because of social pressure. The woman's ghostly appearance after her and her child’s death increases the graphic of stress.

In the play, directed by Mesut Turan, the “woman in black” character is played by Nazlı Özdemir.

Due to the horror elements, the age limit for the play is 13 and it is not recommended for pregnant women and those who have heart problems and epilepsy.

Turan said that “The Woman in Black” was third among the plays with the longest run time in the world.

Turan summarized the play as "a painful, emotional and a tragic ghost story filled with fear elements." He emphasized that such a story with horror and tension elements was on the stage at the DT for the first time.

Turan pointed out that it was much more difficult to create elements of fear and tension in the theater than the cinema, saying, “In unexpected time we have effects and snapshots according to the story's flow. Especially after the end of the first act, the game has an increasing graphic; the second act is becoming more and more different.”