Historic Kariye Museum can be visited virtually with an app
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

The Kariye Museum can be visited virtually thanks to a new application.
Istanbul’s 1,500-year-old Kariye Museum, one of the most important cultural heritages of the eastern Roman Empire, can now be visited in a virtual environment. The museum is considered to be one of the masterpieces of the Byzantine period, featuring the history of the Christian world.With contributions from the Culture and Tourism Ministry, a software company has put the Kariye Virtual Museum application into action. The application, which is sold at Apple stores, will be open to the world and is expected to contribute to Turkish tourism.
The application has been created using game technology in order to show the Kariye Museum to the world in the most proper way. The “Retina Display” (RD) feature enables people to see the visuals with maximum quality.
Virtual guests can take a 3D tour in the museum and see all of its details thanks to the application. The application company will also put the Topkapı Palace and Harem application into service in January next year.