Heritage of the capital revealed

Heritage of the capital revealed

ANKARA - Anatolia News Agency
Heritage of the capital revealed

As part of the newly established cultural inventory project all the museums, architectural, cultural and economic parts of Ankara have been revealed.

The cultural treasures of the capital have been revealed through inventory research. The investor culture inventory and culture economy have been announced by the Culture and Tourism Ministry, revealing Ankara’s cultural inventory of 2,421 immovable culture artifacts.

As part of the project the architectural, cultural and economic parts of Ankara have been revealed. The aim of the project is to uncover the lost and forgotten cultural properties of Ankara. The project will also formulate other cities’ cultural inventories, and the aim is to gather all the cultural inventories under one umbrella and create a system for the inventories.

The system will collect the cultural inventories under four different titles: architecture, archeology, society’s culture and culture of economy. Within this project 2,421 cultural items were included in the research.

As part of the project the archives of the Ankara Protection Association and Renewal Area and Protection Directorship have been transferred to a digital platform. Beginning in the new year, the museum collections will be online on the Internet, and those who want to reach the archives can visit the website.

Within the scope of the project many museums in Ankara will have digital inventories and publish them on their websites.

The inventory of Ankara and the details can be found on the website “www.envanter.gov.tr/ankara.”
