Health Ministry warns against overconsumption of sugar during Eid al-Fitr

Health Ministry warns against overconsumption of sugar during Eid al-Fitr

ANKARA–İhlas News Agency
Health Ministry warns against overconsumption of sugar during Eid al-Fitr

Health Ministry has warned people against consuming too much sugar consumption during the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which marks the end of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan.

Haberin Devamı

In a message released June 4, the ministry said too much sugar consumption right after the fasting month of Ramadan might disrupt the body and bring about digestion problems.

“So, one should pay attention while consuming the treats offered during Eid al-Fitr visits [to relatives, neighbors]; too much consumption should be avoided, and the principles of sufficient and balanced consumption should not be forgotten,” said the ministry in its message.

“Taking into account that more than one visit will be undertaken within the same day, treats should be offered in small portions and the number of varieties should be lowered,” it said.

In Turkey, deserts and candies have an important place in Eid al-Fitr. The holiday is even referred to as “Şeker Bayramı” (Feast of Sweets).

During the three-day celebration, people visit their loved ones, where they are usually offered chocolates, sweets or deserts.