Hatching season of sea turtles over in Çıralı Beach

The 2023 nesting season for Caretta carettas has come to a close at Çıralı Beach in the southern province of Antalya, one of the country’s most significant nesting sites, with a total of 120 nests and over 5,000 baby loggerheads embarking on their journey to the sea.
Starting in May, with the onset of the nesting season, the sea turtles laid their eggs. The beach witnessed a remarkable 38 percent increase in the number of live hatchlings that made their way to the sea compared to the previous year. Among the 120 nests identified, approximately 9,800 eggs were recorded, and out of these, 5,332 successfully reached the sea.
The last newborn Caretta carettas, or loggerhead sea turtles, finally made their way to the Mediterranean Sea in world-famous Çıralı Beach at the end of hatching season, monitored closely by activists for endangered animals.
"The responsibility for preserving the existence of these creatures in the world is a duty bestowed upon all of humanity. Both the local people living on Çıralı Beach and the tourists visiting here play a crucial role in protecting these creatures and witnessing the most significant experience in their lives. Approximately 400 to 500 tourists come here to witness the hatchlings' journey to the sea," said Ahmet Solmaz, the district governor of Kemer.