Government failing to provide support during pandemic: CHP spokesperson

Government failing to provide support during pandemic: CHP spokesperson

Government failing to provide support during pandemic: CHP spokesperson

The Turkish government is failing to provide support to the people during the pandemic, main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) spokesperson Faik Öztrak said on June 14.

“We discussed the problems of segments of the society that did not receive adequate support during the pandemic, the worsening social crisis and possible ways out of this crisis,” he said at a press conference held after the Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting of his party.

“In democracies, authority comes with responsibility. Those who use the authority given by the nation give account to the nation for what they did or did not do,” he said, but adding that the government in Turkey “has a lot of authority but [takes] no responsibility.”

“Who has collected $2,311 billion in taxes from the nation in the last 19 years? Who borrowed $109 billion abroad and $63 billion domestically? Who sold the $62-billion property belonging to the nation? In short, who used the $2,544-billion resource in this country?” he asked.

That money was “wasted” by the government, Öztrak argued.

“Today, our nation is overwhelmed by troubles,” he said.

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