Google to train Turkish youth interested in developing mobile applications

Google to train Turkish youth interested in developing mobile applications

Google to train Turkish youth interested in developing mobile applications

Google will open its doors to 2,000 young people in Turkey to help with their technology careers, said the Turkish industry and technology minister on Sept. 22. 

Haberin Devamı

A signing ceremony was held at Turkey's largest technology and aerospace event Teknofest for an academy to train young people interested in developing mobile games and applications.

The academy was launched through the cooperation of Google Turkey and Turkey Entrepreneurship Foundation and T3 Enterprise Center, with the support of the Industry and Technology Ministry and the Presidential Digital Transformation Office.

Speaking at the event, Mustafa Varank said: "Google will provide training for our young people who are interested in game and application development in Turkey. 2,000 of our young people will be able to receive free training for up to 400 hours."

Underlining that the youth participating in the training can also receive mentoring services from the Entrepreneurship Foundation and T3 Entrepreneurship Center on how to establish their own companies, Varank noted that they can also meet with investors.

The minister urged young people who are interested in application development to follow this program and register. “Game developers and application developers of the future will graduate from this academy, and I hope they will establish their own initiatives together with our foundations."
