Germany warns citizens about social media posts when visiting Turkey

Germany warns citizens about social media posts when visiting Turkey

BERLIN – Reuters
Germany warns citizens about social media posts when visiting Turkey

Germany has warned citizens visiting Turkey to be extra cautious about their social media feeds in response to a spate of cases of Germans arrested for criticism of the Turkish government.

Haberin Devamı

The updated travel advice was published by the Foreign Ministry on Oct. 23.

“Arrests and prosecutions frequently related to social media posts that were critical of the government,” read the new travel advice.

“In some cases merely ‘liking’ another’s post of that nature is enough,” it said.

With Germany home to 3 million people of Turkish origin, relations been the two countries have always been complicated, but they hit rock bottom in the wake of arrests that came following the failed coup attempt of July 15, 2016 in Turkey. 

The Germany Foreign Ministry said that even private comments could be risky.

“Non-public comments on social media can be forwarded to Turkish authorities via denunciations,” it said. “A conviction for ‘insulting the president’ or ‘spreading terrorist propaganda’ can lead to many years’ imprisonment.”

travel warning,