German cyclist reaches northern province en route to Georgia

German cyclist reaches northern province en route to Georgia

German cyclist reaches northern province en route to Georgia

A 67-year-old German cyclist, who set off from Germany to reach Georgia on bike, has reached the northern province of Kastamonu’s Hanönü district.

Haberin Devamı

Antoine Capdevielle, a retired teacher, said that he found the city fantastic and liked it very much.

Without giving the exact time of his departure from Berlin, Capdevielle said he passed through Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Greece before entering Türkiye 10 days ago.

Leaving Istanbul behind, the retired teacher is now in the Black Sea province.

“I loved Kastamonu very much and found it fantastic,” he said.

The cyclist first toured the district, dined and shopped in Kastamonu.

Traveling by bicycle was “always his dream.”

Finding the opportunity to travel by bicycle for the first time in his life, he said he aimed to reach Georgia by using the Black Sea coastal roads.

Capdevielle said he will travel a total of 4,000 kilometers and plans to return to his home country, Germany, in October.