German book exhibition in Istanbul

According to a written statement made by the institute, the 25-book collection is the result of a long-running contest that is organized in Germany by the Foundation of Book Arts every year.
With the contest, the foundation aims to highlight the design and quality of the book rather than its content and draw attention to the shape of book.
Foreign publishing houses can join the contest but the book should be completely produced in Germany.
The “Most Beautiful 25 Books” were chosen based on their design, concept and workmanship.
Among 756 books sent to the contest, a jury of two experts has chosen 25 of the “most beautiful” books, including five books in different five categories.
These five categories included “general literature,” “scientific books, school books, educational books,” “guide books, research books,” “art and photography books, exhibition catalogues” and “children and youth books.”
After being displayed in the stand of the Frankfurt Book Fair during the TÜYAP Book Fair in Istanbul in November last year, the collection was bequeathed to the Goethe-Institut Istanbul.
The exhibition is open between March 30 and April 2.