Gender inequality soars during disasters, report says

Gender inequality soars during disasters, report says

Gender inequality soars during disasters, report says

In the report prepared by the Women’s Platform for Equality (EŞİK), it is emphasized that the prevalent gender inequality and discrimination deepen in times of disaster.

Haberin Devamı

The report, which also includes the narratives and observations of EŞİK representatives in the region, commented that “gender even determines the places where women die.”

It is stated in the report that women and teenage girls are the groups with the highest risk of death and diseases after a natural disaster due to inequalities in their access to adequate health, nutrition, water, hygiene, education, technology and information.

The report mentioned that forcing women and girls to wear conservative clothes before leaving the house makes it difficult for them to escape in case of danger and may cost their lives in the event of a disaster.

Women’s inability to participate in disaster training due to being kept away from education and business life, and their inability to acquire knowledge and skills that can save their lives, cause them to be unable to protect themselves in the event of a disaster, the report added.

The report also listed urgent warnings and measures such as establishing a 24/7 emergency hotline that can be reached free of charge to effectively protect women and children from domestic and sexual violence.

The report advised upon including independent women’s organizations in the counseling and psycho-social support processes of the state and to allow these organizations to work in tents and container cities.

The importance of taking special measures to protect women and children against human trafficking and employ experienced security personnel was also emphasized in the report.

The report also said that it is necessary to distribute mobile phones to all women over the age of 18 who do not have one so they can benefit from the KADES app, an emergency app for women which directs security units to the place of violence in minutes upon notification.
