Funeral held for prominent Turkish writer Alev Alatlı

Funeral held for prominent Turkish writer Alev Alatlı

Funeral held for prominent Turkish writer Alev Alatlı

Prominent writer and thinker Alev Alatlı, who was awarded the Presidential Culture and Art Grand Prize in 2014 and is known for her exceptional works, was buried after her funeral ceremony that took place at the Eyüp Sultan Mosque on Feb. 3 following the noon prayer.

Haberin Devamı

Alatlı, one of the leading names of modern Turkish novelism, combined philosophy, politics, economics, theology and sociology in the field of literature and addressed the problems of the current age with a universal perspective in her works. "Butterfly Effect Talks," "Texts Shaping the West," "Earth Watch" and "Accomplice Hollywood Kaan's Book" are some of her best-selling works of all time.

Alatlı's daughter, Funda Altan, and son, Kaan Orhon, accepted condolences in the courtyard of the mosque. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the funeral ceremony of Alatlı. Erdoğan and first lady Emine Erdoğan expressed their condolences to the deceased's children.

Professor Dr. Mehmet Görmez, the former president of Religious Affairs, said a prayer for the late Alatlı during the funeral ceremony and gave a speech of remembrance.

Speaking at the funeral, Erdoğan said, "Our mother earth is being sent off to eternity. We have come, we are leaving. I say may God grant us to be together with our Alev mother and sister in eternity."

Erdoğan and Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş shouldered Alatlı's coffin after the prayer. Alatlı's body was brought to Mihrişah Valide Sultan Haziresi for burial.

In addition to Erdoğan, many high-profile politicians, including ministers and MPs, representatives of NGOs, artists, writers and academics attended the ceremony.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced the news of Alatlı's death on Feb. 2 through social media and wrote, "We lost Mrs. Alev."

The writer had been undergoing treatment in the hospital for multiple organ failure for a prolonged period of time.
