Former football player shot in foot in Istanbul

Former football player shot in foot in Istanbul

Former football player shot in foot in Istanbul

A former Fenerbahçe football player and a current football commentator, Serhat Akın, has been shot in the foot after participating in a live broadcast in Istanbul’s Beykoz district.

Following three gunshots from two masked motorcycle-riding attackers, Akın fell on the ground hurt as the suspects fled the area, local media reported.

While he was rushed to the hospital following the incident, it was reported that he had a stable and non-life-threatening condition.

The former national footballer revealed that he had been attacked on social media, stating, "They shot me in the foot while I was leaving the program. Fenerbahçe is the last word I utter."

"We condemn the armed attack on our former football player Serhat Akın," read Fenerbahçe’s statement regarding the incident. “We send him our warmest regards and wish him a quick recovery. We anticipate that the offenders will be apprehended as quickly as feasible.”

Beykoz Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into the incident.