Foreign Ministry sets up directorate on diplomatic security

Foreign Ministry sets up directorate on diplomatic security

Foreign Ministry sets up directorate on diplomatic security

A new directorate for diplomatic security has been established within Türkiye's Foreign Ministry, according to a presidential decree.

The new unit will focus on safeguarding the physical and intelligence security of diplomatic missions both domestically and abroad, as well as ensuring the safety of personnel working within the ministry.

The directorate's responsibilities include overseeing internal communications within the ministry, monitoring potential threats to diplomatic missions and coordinating security protocols.

It will also manage security investigations and organize the protection of foreign delegations and individuals visiting the ministry.

In addition, the directorate will provide security training for ministry personnel and public officials posted overseas, and it will conduct on-site security assessments at foreign missions.

The decree said the interior and defense ministries, alongside other relevant public institutions, would meet the directorate’s needs for security personnel and equipment.

A decree issued on April 6 brought significant structural changes to the ministry, aiming to enhance specialization.

It outlined key alterations including the establishment of new general directorates and the reorganization of existing units.

Among the changes is the transformation of the Information General Directorate into the Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication General Directorate.

This restructuring also streamlines the ministry's spokesperson unit into a separate entity.

Additionally, the Research and Security Affairs General Directorate has been revamped as the Intelligence and Security Affairs General Directorate, with an expanded mandate encompassing cyber security, counterterrorism, organized crime and financial crimes.

Foreign Ministry ,