Finance, insurance employees received highest pay last year

Finance, insurance employees received highest pay last year

Finance, insurance employees received highest pay last year

Employees working in the finance-insurance sector received the highest pay in 2023, according to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK).

Haberin Devamı

The annual average gross earnings in the finance-insurance industry was 640,739 Turkish Liras ($18,160).

This group was followed by the information and communication sector with 605,317 liras and the arts, entertainment and recreation sector with 461,514 liras.

Employees in the accommodation and food service sector received the lowest annual average gross pay at 213,518 liras. In the real estate sector, this was 218,815 liras.

The annual average gross earning was 305, 784 liras in 2023. The figure was 314, 242 liras for male employees and 289,720 liras for female employees, TÜİK said.

The monthly average gross earning was 26,402 liras in Türkiye last year.

While the monthly average gross earnings for male employees was 26,638 liras, for female employees it was 25,931 liras.

“Gender Pay Gap (GPG) was in favor of male employees at the total and also at all levels of education,” the statistics authority said.

The highest gap calculated with annual average gross earnings was 20 percent for high school graduates and the lowest gap was for primary school graduates and below with 14.9 percent, it added.

The smallest gap was among managers with 1.8 percent and elementary occupations with 6.4 percent, said TÜİK.

The highest gap in with annual average gross wages-salaries was 21.1 percent for professionals, 20.3 percent for plant and machine operators and assemblers and 20.3 percent for craft and related trades workers.
