Fatih Akın’s documentary at Adana Fest
ADANA - Anatolia News Agency

'Polluting Paradise’ filmed over the last five years since Akın came to the area to shoot parts of ‘Edge of Heaven.’
Celebrated German-Turkish director Fatih Akın’s new documentary, “Garbage in the Garden of Eden,” will enjoy its Turkey premiere at next month’s 19th Golden Boll Film Festival in Adana, according to organizers.“The opening ceremony of the festival will be held Sept. 17, during which there will be the Turkey premiere of the documentary ‘Garbage in the Garden of Eden,’” Zihni Aldırmaz, the deputy mayor of the southern province, said in a written statement.
“Fatih Akın will be among the participants, and the festival program consists of a series of assertive films. We will allow cinema lovers to enjoy beautiful and various productions,” he said.
Akın’s newest film charts struggles by villagers in a Black Sea town to deal with a government decision to convert their settlement into a garbage dump.
Aldırmaz also said the countdown for the festival, which runs from Sept. 17 to 23, had started in earnest. “Polluting Paradise” was filmed over the last five years since Akın came to the area to shoot parts of “Edge of Heaven,” and is thus a much more explicit campaigning tool than objective reporting, according to The Hollywood Reporter. It’s evident that Akın is firmly on the side of the villagers in Çamburnu, a picturesque settlement located beneath lush tea-growing slopes.