Fake architect’s projects to be inspected
Salim Uzun - ANTALYA

In the case of a fake architect who worked for 42 years, the Antalya Municipality has begun to fine the companies where he worked, while samples will be taken from the structures of projects carried out by him.
The officials reported that if the sample results come out problematic, the errors will be corrected quickly by re-tendering. Criminal complaints will also be filed on these issues.
The Antalya Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office expanded the investigation into Avni Tekinaslan, who falsified his graduation certificate and introduced himself as a 1980 graduate of Gazi University Faculty of Architecture.
Within the scope of the investigation, the relevant personnel working in public institutions were also consulted, and the companies where Tekinaslan worked as a construction site supervisor were fined by the Antalya Governor’s Office on the grounds that they employed “insufficient personnel.”
The officials stated that Tekinaslan has also worked in provinces other than the southern province of Antalya. Therefore, these provinces are also being informed about the investigation.
According to the first determinations, the officials said that the amount of the fine will exceed 1 million Turkish Liras, and a penalty on the fake architect himself will be imposed as well.
Previously, Tekinaslan joined the architect staff of a construction company, including some of his relatives, with his fake diploma.
Most recently, he worked as a construction site supervisor in the archaeological excavations in and around Hıdırlık Tower, which started in 2021. However, in December 2022, a complaint was made to the Presidential Communication Center (CİMER) about him. Upon the examinations of his documents, Tekinaslan admitted that his diploma was indeed falsified.