Fairy chimney-like formations found in Ankara

Fairy chimney-like formations found in Ankara

Fairy chimney-like formations found in Ankara

Residents of Kavaközü village in Kızılcahamam district of the capital Ankara have uncovered rock formations resembling Capadoccia’s famous fairy chimneys.

These unique geological structures, characterized by their thin and elongated shapes, were found hidden in a valley where they had been largely unnoticed for years.

The local community is now advocating for these formations to be developed into a tourist attraction.

University student Sefa Taşkın, who discovered the rock formations while foraging for mushrooms shared his findings.

“These are most likely structures formed by the water flowing on the valley slopes, which could not erode the hard rocks on top and eroded the mineral rocks in the middle,” he explained.

“I was on a hike and I realized that there were structures resembling the fair chimneys in Nevşehir. I went straight ahead and took photos.”

Taşkın believes that these formations could significantly boost tourism in the area.

“This place can be opened to tourism. Kızılcahamam is already a very beautiful and forested place. I think these formations will add to its beauty.”