Erzurum kicks off winter sports events

Erzurum has kicked off events under the "European Capital of Winter Sports" title with a dazzling ceremony at the city's renowned Palandöken Ski Resort.
Scores of competent skiers put on an exhilarating torchlight ski performance at the event in the eastern city, captivating attendees with their graceful and mesmerizing movements.
The air was filled with music at the event, marking the start of a vibrant sports season packed with various activities, as people celebrated with traditional "halay" folk dance performances.
Gian Francesco Lupattelli, the head of the European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation (ACES), which granted the capital title to the city, also participated in the event.
Noting that obtaining this title has offered Erzurum significant advantages, Lupatelli ensured that they would offer the city various forms of financial assistance during the process.
Pointing out that the city also gained the “tourism capital” title for the year, Erzurum Mayor Mehmet Sekmen noted that the province accomplished a historic triumph with these achievements. “These accolades not only demonstrate Erzurum's strong presence in winter sports but also its distinctive potential for sports tourism and its standing in the global community.”
In a separate ceremony on Jan. 6, the province also marked the opening of its events under the title of tourism capital with traditional dance performances and a cortege march.
Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi also noted that the ceremony also marked the beginning of the city's winter sports games, with the protocol lighting the torch to officially signify the start of the winter sports events.
Çiftçi noted that a total of 400 athletes from 17 different nations will compete in the games, adding that approximately 70 organizations are planned throughout the year as part of the city's tourism capital events.