Erdoğan proposes renewed grain initiative to Putin

Erdoğan proposes renewed grain initiative to Putin

Erdoğan proposes renewed grain initiative to Putin

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said he made a new proposal to Russian President Vladimir Putin for shipping the Russian grain to Africa and other parts of the world through Türkiye during their meeting in Astana.

“I have asked him his opinion about launching a new process for delivering grain to Africa and other countries sensitively important in terms of food security, without considering Europe as a destination, through a corridor to be set via Türkiye,” Erdoğan told journalists on board his return flight from Astana on July 5.

Erdoğan said that Putin remains loyal to the goals of the Istanbul grain initiative. “It would be beneficial for us to develop this,” he stated, recalling more than 30 million tons of grain had been shipped to the world markets through the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

The Turkish president stressed that Putin does not want to send the Russian grain to Europe but is positive about doing so for African countries. “That’s why we will continue our talks to this end,” he said, expressing hope for the revival of the grain corridor.

“This battle benefits neither Russia nor Ukraine. The only winners of the war are the merchants of blood and death. I want to believe that tensions can now be reduced and ground for peace can be built. We are ready to do our part, as we have done until today, to create and protect that ground,” he said.

 Invitation to Assad 

On a question, Erdoğan said he already underlined that Türkiye was ready to start talks with Syria for normalizing ties after a decade of coldness.

“With Mr. Putin, we may extend an invitation to [Syrian President] Bashar Assad. If Mr. Putin can organize a visit to Türkiye, it can mark the beginning of a new process [for Türkiye-Syria talks],” Erdoğan said.

It is time for Syria to put an end to the continued instability that destroyed the country’s infrastructure, Erdoğan stressed, “The calmness provided in the field may give a chance to peace talks through smart policies and goal-oriented solutions free from prejudices. One of the problems stemming from the instability is the fact that it gives room to the terror organizations, mainly the PKK/PYD)YPG.”

Erdoğan reiterated that wiping out the terror organization from this region together with Syria is crucially important for the future of Syria, underlining the importance Türkiye is attaching to the protection of the territorial integrity of its southern neighbor.

“Peace winds and peace climate in Syria are also needed for the return of millions of Syrians who left their countries. We have always extended our hand to our neighbor Syria, and we always do. We always stand with a prosperous, united Syria which would embrace a fair, inclusive and honorable social contract,” Erdoğan stated.

 Türkiye wants to improve ties with Shanghai organization 

Erdoğan, on a question, expressed Ankara’s firmness in further improving its ties with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in which Türkiye is a dialogue partner.

“We want to further improve our relationship with Russia and China in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. We tell them to be admitted as a partner beyond from being a dialogue partner,” he stated, adding Türkiye’s membership would be possible but could take time.

  Türkiye’s expectations from NATO

Erdoğan also expressed Türkiye’s expectations from NATO during its leaders’ summit to be held on July 9 and 11 in Washington.

“We voice Türkiye’s expectations on all platforms. It is important that the alliance protects and enriches its unity as well as its spirit of solidarity. Particularly on terror and other global threats, NATO should act in line with security interests of its members. Türkiye has been fighting against terrorism for years,” Erdoğan said.

It is sad to see that some allies are encouraging some terror organizations, Erdoğan said, without naming the United States, which is supporting politically and militarily the YPG in northern Syria in the pretext of fighting against ISIL.

Erdoğan said he will voice Türkiye’s views on these issues at the Washington Summit of NATO.