Electric bus investor in question

Electric bus investor in question

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet
The address of the Turkish company, Tukei, that will reportedly make a $1 billion investment in Siirt jointly with Chinese firm Zonda to produce electric buses is reportedly a natural gas installation store.

The other partners of Tukei are a health officer, construction technician and shuttle bus driver, according to the report.

Tukei, which has limited financial resources, has been in talks with the banks for a loan, said Güven Kuzu, the president of the Siirt Commerce and Industry Chamber. Tukei is supposed to construct the factory and Zonda will provide the machines, he added. Zonda and Tukei signed a protocol last week with the Siirt Governor’s Office to establish an electric bus manufacturing factory in Siirt. The plant is to be constructed in the organized industrial zone and produce 2,000 electric buses and create employment for 2,000 people.