EBRD investments in Türkiye hit record 2.6 billion euros

EBRD investments in Türkiye hit record 2.6 billion euros

EBRD investments in Türkiye hit record 2.6 billion euros

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) invested a record 2.6 billion euros in Türkiye in 2024 — up from 2.5 billion euros in 2023 and 1.6 billion euros in 2022 — driven by the private sector’s appetite for the green transition and the bank’s continuing support for regions affected by the devastating February 2023 earthquake.

Haberin Devamı

For the fifth year in a row, Türkiye received the largest volume of investment of any of the bank’s investee economies, the EBRD said in a statement.

The bank invested in 51 different projects in the country, with 93 percent of all investment going to the private sector.

More than 60 percent of all investments had a gender component.

Green investments enjoyed strong momentum, with nearly 60 percent of the bank’s annual investment in the country contributing to the green transition.

The EBRD’s green focus expanded across various sectors, supporting investment in renewables, investing in the first sustainability bond issued in the country by a private non-financial company and participating in a $200 million syndicated loan to one of Türkiye’s largest discount retailers to support the company’s green aspirations.

Elisabetta Falcetti, the EBRD’s Managing Director for Türkiye and the Caucasus, welcomed the results, saying: “In 2024, we witnessed a growing commitment from both public and private partners in Türkiye to accelerate the green transition.”

“Looking ahead, we remain dedicated to working alongside our partners in Türkiye to advance our investment and policy goals, as set out in the recently approved EBRD Country Strategy for Türkiye 2024-29. Our partnership with Türkiye is a testament to what can be achieved through collaboration, resilience and a shared vision for sustainable growth,” she added.

The bank delivered a record 16.6 billion euros in investments across its various economies in 2024, with Ukraine and Egypt receiving the second and third largest volumes of investment, respectively.