Dry cargo ship runs ashore in Turkey’s Çanakkale

The ship reportedly set out from the port of Nemrut in the Aegean city of İzmir and was heading to the northwestern town of İzmit in Kocaeli province, when it ran ashore on the Sokakağzı Bay at around 1 a.m. on June 18.
The incident took place shortly after the 88-meter long ship, named “İrem Kaan” and weighing 2,564 gross tons, had passed the coast of the Assos ancient city. The Sokakağzı Bay is around 15km north of Assos and accommodates a number of pensions, hotels and camping areas.
After the ship ran ashore, the vessel traffic service authorities of the Çanakkale Strait reportedly asked its captain via radio transmitter whether he needed help, with the captain responding that the crew would try to handle the situation on their own at first.