Drinking water alarm for Istanbul’s residents

Drinking water alarm for Istanbul’s residents

Hurriyet Daily News with wires

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality made an official statement defending itself over claims that the municipality was forcing retailers to sell Hamidiye brand water because it owns shares in the company.

A recent news story by the Anatolia news agency titled, "The water of the municipality is being sold to the municipality," said the municipality was only allowing its street-side kiosks to sell Hamidiye water, of which the municipality owns shares. The report also stated that the municipality includes in its kiosk rent contracts that the renter must sell Hamidiye bottled water.

Fast and better service
The municipality’s statement argued that in the modern management system, production companies handle distribution through authorized dealers for fast and better service alongside lower expenses.

The municipality’s statement said that production, distribution and marketing were separate things in the modern understanding of business and water manufacturers in Turkey and their counterparts in developed countries all operated that way and such was also the case with press organs.

The statement indicated that if logistics, marketing and production costs were handled by Hamidiye as a state company, the product will be sold at a much higher price to consumers, which would decrease the competitive power of the company. It was also stated that it would increase costs by 30 percent if Hamidiye handled all the steps of the business.

"Also, the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has 7 percent share in the total water distribution of Hamidiye. It is neither wise nor economic for the municipality to purchase separate equipment and hire staff while it holds only 7 percent of shares," it stated.

The statement said that the system of working with authorized dealers began during the term of former Istanbul Mayor Ali Müfit Gürtuna, and that it is considered to be the right practice.

Hamidiye has five distributers in Istanbul, 17 in different locations of Turkey and 23 abroad, alongside approximately 1,000 dealers. Zirve Gıda, the firm mentioned in the related news story, is one of the distributors on Istanbul’s European side, according to the municipality’s statement. "It is a legal necessity to actualize purchasing through bids. Companies can enter bids. There is nothing wrong with the mentioned company attending the bid and taking the job if it provides the means."

The metropolitan municipality’s statement also pointed out that Hamidiye was losing money during the term of the former mayor but it received the Most Successful Company award from Dünya Newspaper in 2008 as one of the three star companies. It is also argued that Hamidiye is a world brand, exporting goods to 23 countries on five continents.

Illegal water

While there has been some talk on the municipality having shares in the water sold in shops, the Ministry of Health warned people of illegally-bottled water with an announcement. There are reports of empty water barrels refilled with unclean water by parties unknown and being sold at low prices, such as 2.50 Turkish Liras for 20 liters, which is considerably lower than market price. Those illegally-bottled water barrels of unknown origins are sold in supermarkets, grocery stores, gas suppliers and even in hardware stores.

It is reported that most illegal water manufacturers use the bottles of legal companies that had left the business. Since a refundable water barrel should be recycled every two years, those illegal barrels are a threat not only because of the unhealthy water they contain but simply by themselves.

Pay attention to details

The ministry released the following details on the matter:

The label of the water brand should be on the barrel and it must be recognizable. The label should feature information such as where the barrel was filled and when. The label should not include misleading information. The cap must be unopened and the name of the brand should be included on it alongside the expiration date and serial number. And major water brands feature airproof and waterproof safety strips on the water barrels’ mouths, covering the cap.

The safety strips have telephone numbers on them. Refundable barrels should carry an imprint of the brand logo.

The water must be colorless, odorless and transparent. There should not be deposits, moss or other alien objects inside the barrel. Water barrels should not be transported with gas tanks, oil barrels and other kinds of petroleum products. Water sold outside of closed barrels should not be purchased. The barrels should not be bent, cracked or broken and must be kept in a cool, dry and clean place.