Dolphin found in Bartın river prompts rescue operation

Authorities have initiated rescue efforts for a dolphin presumed to have inadvertently strayed into a river in the northern province of Bartın, sparking widespread concern.
The rescue operation followed the reports of witnesses noting the dolphin's movements along the roughly 12-kilometer riverbank to the relevant officials.
While crews continue to work to return the dolphin to the sea due to freshwater posing a risk for the well-being of the animal, they simultaneously monitor it from the shore in case it becomes frightened and harms itself.
In Türkiye, three dolphin species may be found in Istanbul's iconic Bosphorus: Harbor porpoises, common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins. Striped dolphins, in addition to common and bottlenose dolphins, can also be seen year-round in the seas of the western city of Aydın's Dilek Peninsula, which makes up the Great Menderes Delta National Park, one of the world's most distinctive natural regions.