Detention order on Turkish intel personnel removed

Detention order on Turkish intel personnel removed
Detention order on Turkish intel personnel removed

A detention order was issued Feb. 10 for the former MİT officials

The Istanbul Specially Authorized Prosecutor's Office removed today a standing order to detain four intelligence officers.
The orders for the detention of Turkey's former National Intelligence Agency (MİT) Undersecretary Emre Taner and former MİT Assistant Undersecretary Afet Güneş were removed along with an order that called for the apprehension of two other MİT officials. 
A detention order was issued Feb. 10 for the former MİT officials in connection to a case into the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), the alleged urban wing of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).
The prosecutor's office withdrew the order after Parliament legislated a change in an existing law on Feb. 17, forcing prosecutors to now obtain the consent of the Turkish prime minister before any criminal investigation can be launched into current or former MİT officials.

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