Danish play debunks mass murderer

The new theater play debunks the life of mass Norwegian murderer. REUTERS photo
The hate-filled, racist views of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik are the subject of a new play which premiered in a small Danish theatre.Less than two months after Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison for killing 77 people, director Christian Lollike shines a spotlight on the killer’s 1,500-page manifesto in an effort to explore Breivik’s views and consider whether he is part of a new radical right-wing movement or a deviant loner. “I think it is very important to see his action, this tragedy, in the light of growing anti-Muslim attitudes throughout Europe,” Lollikesaid. The 90-minute monologue, entitled “Manifesto 2083”, ends with the actor pointing a rifle at the audience.