Coup defeater commander reshuffled to Army Corps

The appointments that had not come into effect with the Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) were announced in the Official Gazette on Aug. 19.
The Special Forces Second Brigade Commander Ahmet Ercan Çorbacı was appointed to command the Special Forces Unit in place of Aksakallı.
Aksakallı was a witness to the killing of anti-coup soldier Ömer Halisdemir, who has been idolized for his actions during a raid on the Special Forces Command in Ankara on the night of the July 15 coup attempt, and said in his initial statement that he ordered Halisdemir to kill Semih Terzi, believed to be one of the top coup plotters.
With this appointment, the Special Forces Commandership which is a lieutenant level position was downgraded to a brigade level.
Ankara Central Brigadier Oğuz Tozak was appointed to the Special Forces Deputy Commandership.
Brigadier İdris Acartürk was appointed to the Brigadier Commandership of the Special Forces.
Assignments in Gendermarie and Fleet
Lieutenant Gen. Arif Çetin was appointed to the General Commandership of the gendarmerie and raised to be a general by a decision which was announced in the Official Gazette.
Four-star general Yaşar Güler was holding the position before Arif Çetin. Güler had been appointed to Land Forces Command.
Deputy General Commandership of Gendermarie Lieutenant Gen. Ata Kalkan asked for his retirement following the decision.
The gendarmerie forces command under the Interior Ministry by the state of emergency decree decision came into effect following the July 15 coup attempt.