Complaint filed over dog bodies found in Edirne dump

Complaint filed over dog bodies found in Edirne dump

Complaint filed over dog bodies found in Edirne dump

Fifteen dead dogs have been discovered in sacks at a garbage dump in the northwestern city of Edirne's Uzunköprü district, prompting the local municipality to file a criminal complaint.

The bodies were reportedly captured on video by a local resident and shared on social media, sparking outrage. Uzunköprü Mayor Ediz Martin announced that the municipality has lodged a formal complaint.

“We, as civil society organizations and the Uzunköprü Municipality, will defend the right to life of stray animals to the end,” Martin told reporters Aug. 12.

The incident comes on the heels of recent mass dog deaths reported across Türkiye, following the passage of a controversial bill on stray dog handling.

The bill was approved after extended debates and protests. It includes a provision allowing veterinarians to euthanize dogs deemed to be suffering from "incurable, acute and infectious diseases, risks to human health or dangerous behavior."